DreamHack Beyond The Limit 2021: Jumping Leaderboards

Best time per player, per map is recorded. Player names are not controlled by EssentialsTF.
All prize winners ordered by bonus points.
# Name Bonus Points Prize
1[EU] Boshy27$380 (inc. bonus prize)
2[EU] soup -tt14$120
3[OC] kater13$120
4[EU] Betteroffx10$160
5[AS] DenDro10$120
6[EU] Rachello8$160
7[AS] vice8$120
8[EU] CEO of Bingchilling5$80
9[EU] Hass3$40
10[NA] Zike10173$120
11[EU] ♫Delirious♫3$40
12[NA] CrackuhJax1$40